Sunday, September 15, 2013

The End of Week One of Research

Today I started trying to put together some ideas based on all the notes I have so far. I have some interesting possibilities, but I'm going to have to see what other research may have been done on some of the questions I've come up with. I've also got a list started of things that I'm probably going to have to go back and check in manuscripts I've already looked through. Tomorrow, it'll be back to the British Library to finish the last several manuscripts that I still haven't seen. There's one more after that on Tuesday, and then I'll start going back over some manuscripts to confirm or look for answers to specific questions that I think I might be using.

If there's time, I may have to go back to the following book, just because it's so pretty:

I had to retrieve this shot off the web as the BL does not allow personal-scholarly photography (grr). This is a page from Additional 22283, quite possibly my favorite manuscript so far. It's also the largest. It's probably almost three feet tall, and two and half wide. But it's really pretty.

Thursday and Friday are probably going to be designated as 'catching up' days, meaning that I'll be finishing an initial write-up, and going back to check any additional questions or details that might come up. I've been working through my reading and writing schedule with a few such days here and there from the beginning, and I've noticed that it's a very handy way to do things, at least for me. I recommend it.

All this means there might be a little change to the general routine that's developed for me. So far, in the morning, I've been taking the tube to the library, and working until 2 or 3. Around this time, I notice I start getting cranky with the books and not concentrating as well, so it's time to go for the day. I've been walking back to my little studio, which takes a little over two hours. I think that's the timing, but I've never just gone straight back. There's always some exploring, or shopping, or getting lost involved, but that's ok.

  This is the station I've been getting off the tube at. It's been made famous in recent literary history.
Yes, this is the real Platform 9 3/4.

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