Monday, September 9, 2013

Non-research related stuff, or Photo essay 1

This is a terrible picture of me (taken without my knowledge) but the Shakespeare reference in the background seems quite fitting, perhaps more so than the one I initially referred to in an earlier post. And yes, that is the Globe Theater upon which it is painted.
NYA NYA!!    :P
These first two photos comprise the first instance of what I shall call "Touristy Necessities While in London". More will follow next weekend.

Home-away-from-home 2 (at which much writing-drafting will be done):

The reason why this home-away-from-home is required (besides their providing of caffeine) will become clear in the series that follows.

Apologies again for the sideways picture. Tilt your head to your left and you will see a nice little patio with a roof for when it rains.
You may notice that due to the small nature of my little studio, there is one noticeable and vital piece of furniture missing, namely a desk or table upon which to write. The tables on the patio don't count because they are outdoors (and therefore at risk for damp/wetness, bad for computer and paper alike).

I am also compelled to point out one further feature of my little home-away. Take note of the tall cabinet in the first picture. It is in fact a closet-set of drawers which, like the TARDIS and my Honda Fit, are bigger on the inside. This isn't the feature I am pointing out. That would be the fact that this piece of furniture is  roughly the same size as...
I know that bathrooms can be tiny in Europe and elsewhere in the world, but I still find it necessary to note that I have to stand in the shower in order to use the sink. On the plus side, as you can see, I figured out how to fix the appearance of side-ways pictures :)

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