In case you can't quite make out the name, it's "The Last Word". Clever for a library coffee shop. The espresso wasn't too bad either. The one problem I noted was that, after getting over my distracted amusement with hearing "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy being played on the radio, there was no sugar available, only Splenda. I could still taste that nasty chemical aftertaste through the a two-shot latte. The other even of note was that this is the location of the first dripping of coffee on my manuscript chapter notes. It took five days.
I have also made a few epicurean discoveries. Firstly, there is indeed such a thing as chocolate-orange spread, as in Nutella without the nut or any pretence at being healthy. Yes, I bought some. Secondly, I have discovered a new flavor of Fanta: peach-apricot. Yes, I bought some of that too. This happy discovery was slightly dampened when I noticed that the Tesco I was in had started setting out Christmas candy. Sigh.
On Saturday I was in the Camden markets. I noticed several stalls that highlighted how out of control the 'Keep Calm" meme has gotten. Some of the shirts were pretty funny though. I also found something a little mind-blowing:
Ignoring the fact that I look like a drowned rat, note the bubble tea, ordinary by all appearances. I have been a wee bit addicted to this stuff for just short of a decade, but it never crossed my mind till now that bubble tea could in fact be yummy HOT. How I never thought of this before I don't know.
This past Saturday also market another milestone. I have made it in and out of several Waterstones' and other bookstores totally unscathed. But Foyle's got me. Firstly, they had a display to celebrate the launch of Neil Gaiman's latest book.
And yes, I bought the book. And several others. I'd been so good until now, I guess it had to end sometime.
And now for the requisite touristy stuff of the week:
There is no picture of me here because it would be impossible to do without a bunch of other people getting in the way.
And for everyone's enjoyment, I will conclude with two images which highlight the fun that can be had in the face of technological incompatibility:
Notice in the left in the picture.
This is a surge protector connected to a plug adapter connected to a current converter sitting on top of a box of plastic wrap atop an electric kettle because the weight of the three together would not allow everything to stay attached to the outlet. The item this set-up is charging would be sitting on the box of teabags due to a slight risk otherwise of the cords not quite reaching. I call this one "An American Phone in London". To be continued...
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